Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Three years ago today my little sister Jacki and her sweetheart Mark were married in the San Diego Temple "for time and all eternity," a blessing only promised in the holy Temple. I am so grateful for my knowledge that families can be together forever and that it doesn't have to be "til death do you part" or "as long as you both shall live." Hope you two can handle forever cuz thats a really really long time. :) I love you both. Happy Anniversary Brackens!

And just in case you've been checking the mailbox...Sorry! This is my card to you.


Hizzeather said...

ha ha...I love the little type at the end. You're sweet even to give them a shout out in the thoughtful. :)

Bracken and Bracken said...

Thanks for the well wishes and for being one of our biggest supporters!!