There's a new car around town...too bad its not mine! Today at 4:30 the
first new Jaguar XF Supercharged luxury sports car to hit Southern California pulled into our parking lot at work. Meet my boss'
new baby (his last baby was his new I-phone). As he watched the car pull up, in his authentic South African accent he said "Dang, that is one HOTTTT car!" Oh, and it is!

I think it kind of resembles the new Aston Martin. (The body style, not the sticker price!)

Just wait til you seee it driving down the road. You'll drool.

The interior is what sold me on it. I sat in the passenger seat as my boss pressed the start button and the engine just started purrrrrring. It was like a lullaby. Ugh! So hot!

And then, as the car was starting, the drive control you see above popped up out of the center console as the air vents simultaneously opened on the dash. One of the girls watching exclaimed "Its like Inspector Gadget." I think all cars should come fully equipped with these little toys.

So be on the look-out cuz these babies are sure to be popping up all over southern California. Mmmm! I love it!
Wow! Are you going to be driving one of these around soon?? I am so excited for your NY trip and kind of jealous too!
Aubs You and your cars!!! YOu always make me laugh. I love you tons sounds like everything is good for you. COME VISIT!! I need to see you. xoxox
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