Of all the memories I have of my trainer, Sister Erin Cox, this is by far my favorite! Here's the brief history...Sister Cox and I served for 4-1/2 long months together (you agree right sister...they were long) in Regina, Saskatchewan and for the first few months it was cold, frigid, and well, cold. But as things began to warm up and the spring flowers began to come out, so did the loons! This loon was our absolute favorite! Her name was, well, I don't think we ever got her name. She was just known to us as "crazy sign lady." For weeks, maybe months, as we would tract the streets of Regina we would pass by this wonderfully crazy lady, give a smile, and wave to her as she went on with her nonsensical ramblings. Every time we walked past "crazy sign lady" Sister Cox would say to me "I need a picture with that crazy lady before I get transferred." So, long story short, here it is. The famous picture with the "crazy sign lady." Oh, and it was just our luck that she happened to be wearing our all-time favorite, red-leafed, Canadian sweater. Isn't that sweet!
So why share this? Well, its just one of the many random memories that passed through my mind tonight as I reunited with my wonderful sister, now Sister Erin Wall, at the Newport Beach temple, with her sweetheart Brad, and their little bun in the oven. As I sat in the temple with Erin I couldn't help but be reminded of all the wonderful early morning Endowment sessions (5:30am every P-day) that we attended together at the Regina Saskatchewan Temple. For a moment in the session I closed my eyes and my mind was flooded with all the wonderful times she and I shared together teaching the people of Canada.
I am so incredibly grateful for Erin (even though at times on the mish I thought I was sent a Nazi, not a trainer...love you Erin). But she really pushed me to be a great missionary and taught me how to work hard and WALK FAST! Thanks for all the memories Erin. Here's to many more!!!
oh, i love those sister outfits! do not miss dressing like that AT ALL! cute post!
Lol...That picture reminds me of working downtown! Especially in the summer time- all the crazies are in full bloom!
I remember when you wrote me about this lady and I swear you sent this picture along with the letter! How funny, time flies. Oh and yes, I am alive :)
So today has been one of those days when everything goes wrong. Right before I go to bed I decide to check out your blog and what do I find?. . . something that made me laugh out loud! Sorry I was a nazi, but it was all done with love! Thanks for meeting us at the temple. Love ya tons.
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