I'm sure you'll all agree that Tanner totally signed his own death sentence when he unzipped those pants. I still can't get the visual of his crotch out of my head. What was he thinking? The best part was Jill's commentary. "Although it was huge, I didn't need to see it..." You took the words right out of my mouth Jill!
And poor Jake. I'm sorry you were sent home. But truly, it's not you, it's just that you and Jill aren't a match. But...if you're into set-ups, my roommate Katie's available and she thinks you're HOT!!!
And now for a little breakdown on the guys who will be taking Jillian to meet the parents on some hometown dates...

WES (Austin, TX): There are no words vile enough to describe this filthy excuse for a human being. He's the one that deserved to be left by the side of the train! Did you hear the things that came out of his mouth last night? Allow me to remind you: "I'll always have Jill wrapped around my little finger, ya'll. Believe it." And how can we forgot this gem: "I got my publicity, and now if I want I can stay and try to get the girl." What a scum bucket. Jill, you are truly retarded if you can't see through all of his B.S. Good luck to you and your messy divorce if you choose him. All I can say is "Don't mess with Texas!"
JESSE (Carmel Valley, CA):I'm sorry if you're a Jesse fan, but I'm not. Booooring. Just not my kind of cute either. Anyway, you might find it interesting to know that he's been living on my friend's couch in LA for the last little while. Speculate all your want about that. I'll have my people do a little more investigating.
KIPTYN (Encinitas, CA): Jillian is definitely still diggin' on Kip. And who wouldn't? He may be the world's most awkward on-camera kisser, but dang is he HOT! I seriously hope he makes it all the way to the final two.
REID (Philadelphia, PA): I was a little nervous when the other guys on the train were describing Reid as being weird and neurotic. I happen to think he's funny, charming, and maybe a little quirky. I think they're all just jealous of the connection he has with Jill. And to be honest, whenever I see Reid my ears turn red. Isn't that weird? It's probably just high blood pressure. Oh, and Reid, when in doubt...ALWAYS wear those glasses. So hot!
All I want to say is that the network has sunken to a new "LOW" as far as the "Package Preview" in my opinion! That was not necessary for the viewers eyes... We are innocent bystanders being subjected to your "sex sells" moments and we have no choice but to turn the T.V. off when we are assaulted from the front! Sorry ABC - DISNEY - I'm out for now. Thanks for the scenery thus far...
Besides that! You left Robby alone on the train tracks!!! Booo!
You are the reason I had to watch this today at work ~ yes, I tuned into to ABC.com so that your blog would make sense and not ruin it for me! I LOVE YER FACE!
Love these blogs. If she doesn't get rid of Wes next week she is NUTS! I think they are keeping him around for more drama. I have to say....I think Reid and Kiptyn in the end would be fantastic. I'm glad she got rid of foot fettish man...he was creeping me out....and the package preview was not so cute! ha.....Poor Jake--I seriously dated a guy that looked and acted JUST like him....it is true that too perfect of a guy is sort of a turn off. weird, I know...but very true. I wonder what's gonna happen when he comes back?????
First of all Jake is mine...I'm on my way to Texas as we speak! 2nd...couldn't agree more about Wes. Scum, filth, dirt, on the bottom of my shoe. He needs to go, and I can't believe Jill can't see through that. Besides that, he's boring, even when they're together. I just don't get why she thinks they have something special. 3rd...I MISS YOU!
Oh Aubrey! I so agree on Wes. It just pains me to watch Jillian all over him and she's so blind. I just can't wait until she finds out about Wes. Tragic that he's still there over Jake. So curious to see what comes of the next episode when Jake comes back to tell his suspisions.
I am a huge Michael fan and so glad he is still around. He does have a special charm to him. Cuttie! Kiptyn still makes me want to make out with my husband whenever him and Jill are kissing and I love REid and the hot glasses. Wear them all the time. . .
I wanna punch Wess in the face. Poor Robby. Sad to see the good guy finish last. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks Kiptyns kisses look uncomfortable. Looking forward to next week!!
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