MICHAEL: Michael and Jill had a great date together swinging through the trees of Whistler. He was funny, charming, and totally cute. However, I'm going to have to disagree with Michael when he said they had a total "spark of awesomeness!" Funny, but no. I think Michael's a little to young, and honestly, maybe a little TOO fun for her. Jill needs a more mellow man. And that's just not Michael.
WESS: I am soooo grateful we didn't have to hear any crappy country songs last night from Wess. Thank heaven! Speaking of Wess, did anyone else notice how Jill suddenly became a different person around him. I mean, it might just be the result of some sneaky editing, but as soon as Jill sat down with Wess, she dropped the s-bomb. Come on Jill. I thought you were a lot classier than that.
KIPTYN: Speaking of classy...thank you Jill for asking Kiptyn to feel your butt. What? Smooth move Jill! But I don't really blame her. He's so hot that whenever he's around, she completely forgets how to be a normal human being. Been there. Done that.
REID: Uh, how cute is Reid? I seriously can't handle it. In the words of Jesse, "When [he] talks, I listen. It's arousing!" If he doesn't make it into the final two I'd be shocked.
JESSE: He doesn't do it for me. It seems like she's into him and they had a great time on their private glacier. But I just don't see it progressing to the end. And what kind of compliment is "You have the body of a gymnast." No Jill, you do not look like Shawn Johnson.
ED: I'm sure you'll all agree with me when I say that Ed made the right decision to leave the show. Although it was sad to see him go, we all know the mutual feelings of interest would have never held out 'til the last rose. And you might not feel the same, but it really upset me how emotional Jill was when Ed left. I think she was being completely selfish and it really bothered me. Let him go Jill.
And that's all I've got for this episode. What I really wanna talk about is the preview they showed for the upcoming episode(s). We obviously know now that Reid makes it to the final three. How do we know? Well, the dumb producers gave away that he's invited to stay with Jill in the fantasy suite; something that doesn't happen until the final 3. But whatever, we all knew he would make it to the final few anyway. And what's this about a problem in the bedroom? Guaranteed it's something much stupider (is that a word?) than we're all led to believe. I can't wait!

Oh how I love this stupid show. You write the greatest commentaries. I loved those sunglasses, too! Like Michael says...they were "awesomeness" hahahahahah he's such a dork...way too young for her!
See I'm lovin Michael still, but maybe he needs to be hooked up with Tristan. Love your day after blog about my favorite show. I love Reid and he always makes me want to go make out with my husband so I love him even more with every show. And, yes she did have too much makeup on at the rose ceremony. She is so much cutter when she is just in her comfy's and hoodies.
You are always spot on!! Mark and I totally agree with ED, he made a good decision. And I can't wait for next week to hear Wess' BS!!! He makes me so angry :) If he went on the show for PR it is totally backfiring because now everyone is just gonna think he is a douche!!
Oh I'm a little sad you forgot my fav - Robby! I think they are so cute together and he is so sweet, funny, positive, happy, cute, caring and has her best interest in mind. I heart Robby!
You know I have a million thoughts on this; I just haven't had the time to blog yet (and reading yours is higher on my list of things to do than writing mine!). But I do have one thought for right now: NO BOYS ALLOWED.
Seriously. Our Bachelorette viewings have become sacred to me.
Those glasses are made by Von Zipper and the style is "Stache". The only reason I know is because I own a pair. They also have them in brown, brown tortise, white and red. Maybe even more colors.
Do you know the color of her von zipper sunglasses? are they the olive tortoise shell or the vibrations? I can't tell! the vibrations ones have rainbow colors around them so it leads me to believe it's not them, but then again they don't look tortoise shell on her either. Help!
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