“Any problem you can't solve with a good guitar
is either unsolvable or isn't a problem.”

While I've played the piano for almost 20 years, secretly I've always wished I could play the guitar. So, this weekend I finally took some action. I bought my little brother's guitar off him. I am now the proud owner of a beautiful, slightly used, but very loved, Fender. She's a looker! I have no idea how to play the thing yet, but I'm gonna learn . . . just as soon as these dumb acrylics grow off my nails! Then maybe, just maybe, all these problems will start solving themselves.
Oooooh! A good guitar really can solve problems. If you need any tips or pointers, lemme know! I've got four guitars. =)
- Laura
Good for you!! I absolutely love playing the guitar and writing music!! Even though I seem to play the same chords over and over again. My goal is to learn it better. Good luck!
Way to go, Aubrey! I love the guitar! Hey -- Billy is going to be in Culver City in November for a workshop in the Recording Industry. He is going to get into recording. Maybe you could call him and get some guitar pointers. He's an expert! Good luck learning it all. Let's see! Now, your mom (she tried Guitar once), your Uncle Mark Henderson, Your Aunt Debi, and Billy all play the guitar. Also, my sister, Chrisie (your great Aunt) played the guitar. It must run in the family. Oh yes, my Grandmother Davenport was a great guitar player. I hope to get to hear you one of these days1
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