In no way is this post meant to be a brag or a boast. But simply a declaration of my gratitude for, and love of Southern California....
When I woke up this morning I walked to the window to see what kind of day it was going to be. The skies were blue and the ocean was beaming. Yesterday it rained all day and I had hoped for a monring like this. I could tell it was going to be a beautiful day!
I usually take the 73 Toll Roads to work in the morning to save time (not money). But today, I knew it would be worth the $5 toll. For those from Southern California who have driven this freeway on a day after rain, you already know exactly what I'm talking about! As I hurrried up the hill and through the toll plaza, I rounded the corner and behold, this is what I saw:

Well, this is sort of what I saw. I didn't have a camera to take an acutal picture, and unfortunately, there isn't a picture on the internet that does this view any real justice. But believe me, the site was breathtaking. When the rains fall in Southern Calfornia, you can be sure that when you come around that corner on the toll road you first see the snow capped San Bernadino mountains, fresh with powder. Then, your eye moves to the beautiful skyline out in front of you. On a clear day like this you can see all the way to Santa Monica, Pasadena, the Hollywood Hills, and much, much more. Its spectacular. Then, as you start to head down the hill, you look off to your left and you can see the crystal clear ocean just beaming and beginning to fill with the early morning sail boats setting sail for Catalina, or perhaps wherever the wind takes them. Then, to top it off, at the bottom of the hill the Newport Beach temple comes into view and I just simply admire. Life is beautiful.

On my way home form work, the view is just as spectacular. I usually take PCH home (when I'm not in a hurry) to avoid another $5 charge, and of course to enjoy the view. How's this for a drive home from work...

Not too shabby! I love cruising along PCH through Newport, Corona Del Mar, and Laguna. And, if I time it just right, I get to watch the sun setting over the big, blue, Pacific. I honestly couldn't be more grateful. I complain about the 25,000 miles I've already put on my almost 14 month old car, but hey, on days like this the commmute is so worth it!