When I was growing up my grandparents owned the most beautiful house on the sand in Capo Beach. Every summer we would spend hours and hours enjoying the surf, sand, and sun. Although my grandparents no longer own that house, they always like to rent a beach house for the week so all the kids, grandkids, and their friends can come and enjoy the fun on Beach Road.
You may remember the Beach House from
SUMMER 2008 and the one from
SUMMER 2009. It's kind of fun to see the progression of D: starting out as a bun in the oven, to a little chubster rolling in the sand, to the handsome mini-man he is today.

This year was a blast (minus the overcast weather). We were so happy that Mark was able to sneak away from his brand new job in Phoenix to join us for the weekend. He's such a good Daddy to my little nephew. I just love their happy little family.

What would a week at Grandma and Grandpa's Beach House be like without lots and lots of junk food? I'm pretty sure one of Dallen's favorite memories was all those "possicles" as he calls them. Isn't he such a ham? I love when he says "CHEESE" for pictures.

Little D found plenty to do while at the Beach House. Sandcastles with Mimi, skateboarding with Uncle Scotty and Auntie Aubrey, and celebrating our independence by eating as many roasted marshmallows as we possibly could.

How can so many people have so much love for such one little guy? Your Uncle Scotty, Auntie Aubrey, and Aunt Kellie love you so stinking much Dallen! Can't wait to play at the Beach House again next year!
And D loves his family :) We had SO much fun that week making memories!!
Love this post! You are an awesome Auntie!
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