I love how ghetto my family can be sometimes. Would you believe a classy girl like me (insert hearty belly laugh) grew up on Sizzler and Souplantation? How awesome is that! So Monday night my Dad decided to take my sister and me out for a date night while Mom was at school and our not-so-little brother Scotty was at Lacrosse practice. Well, times haven't changed a bit, because when Dad found out Sizzler went out of business (wonder why?) he opted for the next best option. Souplantation! I must sound like a spoiled brat right now, but I don't even care. Just let me have my laugh. Hahahaha!

Anyway, dinner was great. I filled up on salad and cheese pizza sticks. The poppyseed coleslaw wasn't half bad either. At the end of our nutritious meal we decided to try out the ice cream swirl, but ewwwww, no. Couldn't do it. I know I exaggerate, but really, the food isn't
that bad. We just like to make fun of it because everytime we go there it's nothing but senior citizens with walkers clogging up the soup lines. You know what I'm talking about!
After dinner, we decided to head up to the Aliso Theaters for a movie. I forgot a sweatshirt and knew it would be chilly, so good 'ole dad let us stop at Old Navy so he could try on khakis, I mean, so I could get a blue and white nautical sweatshirt for $15. I found it in the boys section. I didn't care. It was cute. And sorry about the khakis thing dad. Just so you all know, my dad probably owns 50 pair of khaki pants. All alike. And no matter where we go, he's always trying on khakis, convinced he needs a new pair. And if Mom's not around, he always makes us check that they're not too saggy in the butt. Mom doesn't like that. Hehe. Love you Dad!
So, with my warm sweatshirt and Dad with his new pair of khakis (you all thought I was lying), the three of us headed off to the theaters to see TAKEN! I had refused to see this movie before my trip to Paris for obvious reasons...and boy am I glad I waited. I would've been so stinking paranoid the entire time. I probably would've made someone hold my hand everywhere we went. Oh wait, I did. Haha! But the movie was good and the company...even better. I love watching movies with my dad. He let's me laugh at all the inappropriate stuff and never gets mad. Thanks for being the coolest Dad ever. We should go on Daddy Daughter Dates more often. Only next time, can I pick the restaurant?