So, today at work, over a year later, I get this text message from this guy that says: “Hey its Matt. Do you still work for Fari? Have a question for you if you do.”
Ok, so my first thought was “Wow, random. I haven’t heard from him in forever. I wonder what he wants? I should text him back.”
Second thought, “Wait. Should I text him back? I mean, I haven’t heard from this guy in forever and then suddenly he’s gonna’ ask me for some kind of favor or something?”
Third thought, “I’m not texting that (insert your choice of evil man bashing word). He burned me! Now I’m gonna’ burn him.”
Fourth thought, “I better blog about this and see what you guys think before I make any rash decisions.”
So, what would you do?
Oh my goodness! Text him or call him! Don't play games! :)
He is probably intimidated by you...most guys in the ward are, FYI.
Let us know what happens!
Return the favor and don't respond.
what have you got to lose? i say text him, see if he like has concert tickets to something AMAZING and wants to share the love, or if he's asking for something ridiculously preposterous for someone you barely know (and was blown off by) to ask, and if its the former, reply again! if it's the latter, burn him by THEN not texting back! I know I'm so nice hahaha.
Lame...so he's pretty much saying he has a question for you, but ONLY if you still work there....
Text him this: "Yes, I still work for Fari. Their # is ____. The receptionist can help direct your question to the right person."
That way, he knows you're responding, but you're not going to do any favors for him.
I love that you blogged about this. I think that you should text him back and find out what he wanted. Then when he asks then you can decide whether you want to grant him the favor (which then I might vote that you don't grant it to him). :)
I am LOVING everyone's advice. Keep it coming...
what have you got to lose? do it and if you've got the same connection you'll be able to call him on it...it'll make for a great story!
Text the brother back....he put himself out there, which is tough for MOST guys...just say 'hey what's up?' and see what he has to say.
anonymous- It's not like he text her 3 weeks after the date...it's been a YEAR! I don't think it's "tough" for him- plus if it is tough, who wants to date a wuss?
My guess is that he:
A- started dating someone else and it didn't work out so he's going back to what he KNOWS is the BEST!
B- went surfing, hit is head and got amnesia until just recently when he suddenly remembered everything, including the hot girl he went out with a year before
C- He wants to build a house and he needs an interior designer
I say text him back- see what he wants and then go from there! Maybe you can get another free lunch out of it! :)
I think you should totally text him back. NO Games! This will be so funny if you end of marrying this guy. I think this blog entry will need to be read at your reception. ha! Let us know how it goes, but TEXT HIM!
Suck! I finally just got up the courage to text him back and when I went to get my phone out of my purse...gone! Shiz. I think I left it on the kitchen counter. ITS A SIGN. ITS TOTALLY A SIGN. I shouldn't text him.
Absolutely do not text him. Why should you waste your time with him if he couldn't take 2 seconds a text you sometime in the last year. It's not playing games, it's just being safe. If the guy was interested in you and not a favor, he would have made contact by now. You are better than that!
You guys went out once, its not like you dated forever and then he broke your heart. Just be chill and corteous. No need to be a manhater after one date.
I'm thinking, I hope he doesn't know you have a blog :)
Yea, I'm with Jacki - hope he isn't reading this - and I like Mike's comment too - just be couteous and call back - you don't have to commit to anything you don't want to! :)
This is my new theory. The more opinions you get the more complicated the situation is. I think guys need a little slack. Who knows what happened after you went out. Like Mike said, it was just one date. Guys need girls to be patient and chill. If you want to talk to him, text him back. If you don't, then don't. But from what I read I don't think he is a bad guy at all. Good luck!
Lol...I love these comments! Just text him back. I'd say, "Hey, yes I still work there. Sup?"
I'm dying to know what happens!
don't text him back, he either wants a favor or is just bored so he wants a quick fling or something. he missed his shot in my opinion
random reader, just thought this was funny, yet understandable i guess to get suggestions
Maybe he was just networking???
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