I know a lot of you have been dying to hear the story of what went down that fateful Saturday afternoon, so, here it is:
I showed up to the Westin South Coast Plaza around 2:30pm and was immediately greeted with a 10 page questionnaire to fill out about myself. Next, it was off to the photo booth for a few quick pics. An awkward head shot and a full body shot. I hate having my picture taken. I know, I'm weird. Next came the waiting game. They grouped us all in a large conference room and separated by letters: A, B, C, and D. I was a "B." Not sure what that meant, but I'm guessing it had something to do with where you were from. I could be totally wrong.
After about 2 hours of sitting around, chatting with all the hundreds of girls there (yes, there were hundreds!) they finally called me into another room that was completely empty except for a camera, a chair, and one of the producers. I walked in, handed the interviewer my questionnaire, sat in the chair, was hooked up to a mic and asked a series of questions about myself and my dating history. They asked questions like: what do you do for a living, what do you like to do for fun, how many times have you been in love, tell us about your most recent break-up (that one was FUN!), and then they asked if I was watching this season of The Bachelor and if so, who I was interested in. Uh, Roberto! She didn't seem too surprised. Before we ended, she had me tell the story of how I got my name (she thought it was cute that it came from a BREAD song in the 70's), and then told me I was a beautiful girl and was really great on camera, and sent me away with a rose.
I walked away happy and satisfied and kinda worried that they might actually call me back and ask me to be on the show. Haha. But not to worry, I don't think I could ACTUALLY go through with it even if I did make it through the grueling screening process. I just know they'd splice and dice the footage to make me look like someone I'm not. And well, I don't think I could handle that. But it was such a fun experience to go and be apart of the Casting Call and hey...I made a few new friends...ones who might even end up on the next season. You never know? So there you have it.
yaya!! How fun, like you said you would have regretted not doing it!! Go you for living life to its fullest girl!! ♥
You are probably the coolest person ever.
that is awesome Aub!! Of course they are going to pick you, who wouldn't you are gorgeous!!
OH MY GOSH! You better do it...even if it is for the free trips and fun clothes!!!! Hopefully they don't google your name and find this blog!
What can I say? I might hope they pick you, but I'd be afraid for you...like you said, what would they edit out and what would they leave in...
I do want to hear the latest break up story though! :(
Was it a good one?
Oh Mother! I know, I know. And hello...you already know the latest break-up story. FBI guy? Eeeeek! Don't worry. I left out all incriminating details, but left in just enough to make it dramatic and memorable. Haha.
Oh, got it! Good luck with all of this! You are wayyy too good for any of these bachelors though - you know! I really like Chris though! Hahaha!
You are so brave for even going to the 1st audition. And I agree with Mom, you are too good for these TV boys!! Cute shirt ;)
Gah! THANK YOU! You just answered all my questions I grilled Jack for- LOVE it! You are so brave & I hope you keep getting roses so you can share the inside scoop :)
Hi Aubrey, Cora told me today that you did this and I am totally cheering you on. Please, please do it if they call you back. I've never watched the show, but if I knew someone on it I totally would. Have fun!
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